SEND Information

SEND information for parents

The SEND Local Offer Letter

The Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place.

What is a Local Offer?

The Local Offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care.

Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.

In Hull there is a lot of support available to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. We have divided this information into 10 sections on the map below including early years, health, social care and becoming an adult.

To help you find the information you need either browse by hovering over The City or use the tabs at the bottom of the page. You can also use the search function at the top right of the screen. Type in what you are looking for and be directed to relevant sections within the website.

Link: Hull’s Local Offer

Link: SEND Information Report

The local offer provides information on:
  • Special educational provision;
  • Health provision;
  • Social care provision;
  • Other educational provision;
  • Training provision;
  • Travel arrangements for children and young people to schools, colleges and early years education; and preparing for adulthood, including housing, employment and leisure opportunities.
Further information:

Mrs Clare Moore – SENDCO

Miss P O’Brien – SEND Governor