‘With God all things are possible’
Matthew 19:26
A very warm welcome to our school!
We are a nurturing, happy school and know our children very well – one of the many advantages of being a small school. Our aim is to ensure that every pupil enjoys their time at St James’ while also providing our pupils with a wide range of learning opportunities that enable them to be well equipped to fulfil their full potential in our ever-changing world. We endeavour to foster a love of learning through our broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the development of confident and independent learners, whilst also striving for high levels of academic achievement. As a Christian school, we live and learn together as a community, emphasising the importance of respect, kindness and perseverance in our daily lives.
We look forward to meeting you and giving you the opportunity to experience the caring, positive atmosphere at St James’.
Miss Strickland | Principal
“The school is a welcoming environment for pupils. As part of its Christian ethos, the school emphasises to pupils the importance of respect, kindness and perseverance.”
“Our teachers are always there to help us if we’re stuck but we do have steps we have to follow to help us work out problems out ourselves. We call these the 5 Bs.”
“Pupils benefit from several opportunities to explore their talents and interests. The
majority of pupils participate in at least one extra-curricular club.”
“I love life at St James because we are all one big family. We look after each other!”
“I enjoy coming to school every day because I love doing lots of different subjects and learning about them.”
“Life at St James is wonderful! I can’t wait to come in to school every morning because each day is an adventure.”
“St James’ helps with our knowledge and how to be a good learner when we are older.”