Our Governors

The Hope Sentamu Learning Trust (HSLT) is a Company limited by guarantee and a Charitable Trust.

Responsibility for the academies that make up the Trust and for the funds granted by the Parliament for providing education in those academies is entrusted to the Board of Trustees.

The detail of the Members of the Company and of the Board of Trustees can be found here.

Local Governing Committee

St James’ CE Academy has its own Local Governing Committee (LGC). The details of the committee members are shown below.

Chair of Governing Body
Miss Pat O’Brien

Date of Appointment: 01/01/2022
Appointed by: York Diocese 
End of Term: 31/12/2025 (Four years)
Attendance at Meetings 2024/25: 2/2
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 3/3
Link: Safeguarding, Behaviour & Attendance, SEND & Pupil Premium, Whistleblowing
Business and/or Pecuniary Interest: No interest to declare

St James’ C of E Academy
Dorchester Road

Margaret Capes
Staff Governor

Date of Appointment: 22/05/2023
Appointed by: Staff Election 
End of Term: 21/05/2027 (Four years)
Attendance at Meetings 2024/25: 2/2
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 3/3
Link: Standards
Business and/or Pecuniary Interest: Teacher at St James’ CE Academy

Joanne Nundy (Vice Chair)
Parent Governor

Date of Appointment: 20/01/2025
Appointed by: Parent Election
End of Term: 20/01/2029 (Four years)
Attendance at Meetings 2024/25: 1/2
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 2/3
Link: Personal Development, Stakeholder Engagement
Business and/or Pecuniary Interest: Parent of a child at St James’ CE Academy

Steven Benford
Ex-Officio Foundation Local Governor

Date of Appointment: 29/10/2024
End of Term: 28/10/2028 (Four years)
Attendance at Meetings 2024/25: 1/1
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 2/3
Link: No link role assigned
Business and/or Pecuniary Interest: Interim Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Sutton St James in Hull

Julia Strickland
in Attendance

Attendance at Meetings 2024/25: 2/2
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 3/3
Business and/or Pecuniary Interest:
Principal at St James’ CE Academy
Father is St James’ Site Manager

Clare Moore
Attendance at Meetings 2024/25: 1/2
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 3/3
Business and/or Pecuniary Interest:
Vice Principal at St James’ CE Academy

Governor attendances are updated once a term

To become a Governor, please contact the school – hello@stj.hslt.academy

Clerk / Trust Governance Support – Georgina.Holman@york.gov.uk

For further information, including Governance documents, please visit our Trust website


A Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) is a legal entity accountable for the running of the organisation and all the academies within it. The MAT is a charitable company limited by guarantee, and has multiple layers of governance: the Members, the Board of Trustees and Board Committees, which include a Local Governing Committee for each academy within the MAT.

The Local Governing Committee serves as a sub-committee of the Hope Sentamu Learning Trust York Board of Trustees, and their responsibilities are set out within the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. If required, the Board can either delegate more powers to the Local Governing Committee or withdraw powers in exceptional situations. Governors are not involved in the operational running of the academy; the daily management of the academy is the responsibility of the Principal. All decisions are made as a group; governors are there as a corporate body responsible for the governance of the academy and not to represent their own interests or the interest of others.


Rev Gloria Naylor
Foundation Governor
Resigned: 09/02/2024
Date of Appointment: 07/11/2016
Appointed By: York Diocese Board
End of Term: Indefinite
Attendance at Meetings 2022/23: 5/5
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 2/2
Area of Responsibility: RE, Collective Worship
Declared Business and/or Pecuniary Interest: N/A
Other EABs/Governors Committees/ educational institutions: Trustee of Ann Watson Trust (October 2016), Chair of St James PCC (October 2021)

Clare Baker
Foundation Governor
Resigned: 19/02/2024
Date of Appointment: 26/01/2023
Appointed By: Trust Board
End of Term: 25/01/2027
Attendance at Meetings 2022/23: 1/1
Attendance at Meetings 2023/24: 1/2
Area of Responsibility: TBC
Declared Business and/or Pecuniary Interest: N/A
Other EABs/Governors Committees/ educational institutions: N/A


Local governors have three central duties:

i) setting the vision of the local academy
ii) holding the Headteacher/Principal to account
iii) and ensuring the academy’s financial management is to the highest possible standard.

Governors carry out their tasks in a number of different ways, through regular meetings and visits to the academy. Meetings are held at least once a term.

For a full list of Trust Board and LGC meetings, please see below.

The Local Governing Committee provides the school with a wide range of skills and experience which supports the Senior Leadership team in vital decisions that enhance the academy’s environment, curriculum and delivery of the best educational experience possible.


Governors do not need specific skills, but many of the tasks they are required to undertake can benefit from general business knowledge such as understanding management systems, budget planning and HR functions.

Local authorities are required to ensure that training for governors is available and most governing bodies buy into their local authority training packages (which may include online learning) to ensure that governors are properly inducted to their role and trained for specific tasks such as appointing the Principal and then carrying out the Principal’s performance review.


Monday 07th October 2024, 3.30pm
Monday 02nd December 2024, 3.30pm
Monday 31st March 2025, 3.30pm
Monday 30th June 2025, 3:30pm