As part of our merger into our new Trust, the decision has been made to move over to an online payment system for school services such as lunches and uniform etc.
We have had many enquiries about these systems before and I am sure you will probably find this new approach more convenient in the future.
Please see below some further information about this new ParentMail online payment system.
An easier way for you to make school payments
From 29th November 2021 we will be using Online Payments on IRIS ParentMail – an online payment service which allows you to pay for school items quickly and easily on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
We will inform you about items you need to pay through IRIS ParentMail, and you will be able to pay electronically, using credit or debit cards as well as PayPal and PayPoint.
If you have an Android or Apple smartphone, we would highly recommend you download the free IRIS ParentMail App so that you can make easy, online payments on the go. To do this, simply search for “ParentMail” in your App store.
If you do not wish to make payments online, you can of course, continue to make cash payments.
Please note, your bank statement will display either the ‘School Name’ or ‘IRISPAY’, dependant on your payment method.
If you need any additional information or assistance, please use the help site:
Thank you for your support and patience as we make this change. Should you need any further support or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Yours sincerely
Julia Strickland
Head Teacher
Information Posters
IRIS – Payments
IRIS – Cashless