Church School

St James’ Church

Clergy from the church regularly join and lead our Collective Worship in school and we have services at church for Harvest, Christmas, Easter and our Year 6 leavers’ service. Classes often visit the church as part of the RE curriculum.

You can find out more about St James’ Church here.


Collective Worship

Together we live and learn in the light of God

Collective worship at St. James’ CE Academy is rooted in our Christian vision, the Bible, the church year and God’s love for all. It is inclusive, invitational and inspiring. It is educational in nature and does not make any assumptions of the world views of the collective. Our Church school worship is in line with the practices of the church, it is our Christian driver. It is a valued part of our school day and welcomes all.

Our community is the foundation of our Collective Worship policy. It reflects the law and strengthens the distinctive ethos of the school as Church of England primary school.

We are inclusive by ensuring
• Themes are relevant to all age ranges and abilities.
• We engage pupil participation.
• Pupil’s lead our Worships.
• Use of language is inclusive for all.
• We use images from the worldwide Church.
• We use a variety of styles when we reflect and engage with story.
• We choose our words carefully for prayer.

We are invitational by ensuring
• A warm, open and generous welcome is given to all.
• Worship appeals to the senses.
• We cater for all learning styles
• We are aware of spiritual styles.
• We promote all pupil contributions.
• We use words of prayer as suggestions.
• We accept various levels of involvement.

We are inspiring by ensuring
• We create a worshipful atmosphere.
• We use sounds and silence, stillness and movement.
• We are responsive to context.
• We deliver a living message for all.
• We deliver through our value of creativity.
• We inspire through wisdom, form and holy living.

Please click the following link for our Collective Worship Policy


The role of Chaplaincy

We are blessed to have school chaplains within our Trust. St James enjoys welcoming our chaplains into the school.

Our chaplains enable guardianship of;

  • Christian ethos of our Trust and schools
  • Spiritual flourishing
  • To model leadership and Courageous Advocacy

Our staff, pupils and wider community benefit from chaplaincy in the following ways;

  • Supporting the spiritual wellbeing of young people and staff
  • Offering opportunities to worship and to explore the Christian faith
  • Supporting emotional development
  • Supporting those in established faith journeys to grow and develop their spiritual life
  • Offering prayer and spiritual guidance to groups and individuals
  • Supporting the school as a place where staff and young people feel cared for and safe.
  • Building further links between the school and church, and between the school and the wider community, including other denominations and faith communities

If parents/carers wish to engage with our chaplains, please contact the school office