Every child has to apply for a place at school. It’s a very easy thing to do but you need to follow the application rules that are laid out.
St James’ CE Academy has a published admission number of 30 pupils for admission to our Reception class (Foundation Stage 2).
Please read through the guidelines carefully and then you can apply for your child to come to our school. All of our admissions documentation can be found below.
In-year admissions
Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme
St James’ participates in the Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for in-year admissions. If parents/carers wish to apply for a school place, applications can be made at
After the Local Authority (LA) have received your application the LA determine whether a school place can be allocated at any of your preferred schools. This will take an average of 15 school days. The LA will then write to you to confirm whether a place has been allocated. This may take a little longer during busy periods.
The Local Authority offer you the right to appeal if the LA cannot place you at one of your preferred schools. An appeal form and guidance will be sent to you with the letter confirming the outcome of your application..